1.Choose your contribution

We need your participation to create a new earth – we can only do this together, by learning to trust one another, help each other, and share our gifts and capacities.

Please consider both the personal value of these masterclasses and community, and the responsibility that a single masterclass series costs on average £4000 – and two-three weeks of work by the team who all have to earn a living. We thank you for joining us, and look forward to connecting with you in the community! The team.

If you would love to contribute by joining the team, please send us a message and we’ll get back to you at our earliest availability.

A financial contribution
Choose the amount you’re prepared to pay each month
each month

Due every month with a 4-month free trial

Do you want to offer a non-financial exchange through your time and skills?
Let us know if you can support us with any of the skills listed:

I’d like to offer a non-financial exchange through my time, skills or resources