New Earth Pathway – Public

The New Earth Pathway

Our Pathway Membership includes access to all masterclasses.

What is your New Earth Pathway?

Who are you meant to become in a New Earth? What is your role and purpose, as we make this transition? What will your New Earth story be?

The New Earth Pathway is a specially curated & facilitated evolutionary journey where you will grow, learn new skills, create new impacts, and gain more confidence – no matter if you’re already an expert or novice.

You can expect to evolve in each of the three interconnected dimensions of wholistic transformation to live a life of genuine connection, regenerative impact, and harmony with life on Earth: Self, Relational, Environment.


Expand your innate potential and empowered mind-set to create the life you dream of.


Create healthy dynamics in your relationships and become powerfully aligned in your life’s work.


Learn regenerative tools and take actions that pioneer a whole new paradigm of living.

How it works

In a healthy ecosystem – which can mean you, a community, or the world, these three dimensions all interact and connect, as within so without. Yet in our patriarchal lives we are disconnected even from our Self. To become aligned, fulfilled, and resilient once more, all three dimensions need to be reconnected and healthy.

Most people feel most comfortable in one or maybe two of these dimensions of transformation, and less confident or skilled in the remaining dimension. Yet it is often this other, less present dimension, that is the missing key to feeling more confident, resilient, alive, and able to fully step into a new earth timeline.

Even the dimensions you feel most comfortable in, have new meaning in the context of a new earth, where our personal sovereignty, relational skills, and living systems impact enter a new paradigm of creativity, leadership, and responsibility.

In six months, you and your life can transform in each of the three dimensions, as a unified whole, so that you are walking your New Earth Pathway, with greater clarity and confidence.

This path is an ever evolving spiral, and the New Earth Pathway program can be entered again and again, with deeper impact each time, to support every evolutionary leap of your journey.

Three Phases

New Earth Pathway is a 6-Month Program divided into three x Two-Month Phases, in which we focus on each of the Dimensions, and where each subsequent Two-Month Phase builds upon the last.

In each Phase, you will work towards a ‘shift’ – that you will determine – and complete at the end of the two months. This could be a small isolated area of expansion, or a goal that is part of a bigger project.

There will be a range of recommended masterclass content to learn from in each phase, which you can select and choose to work with depending on your shift goals and path of transformation.

Months 1&2


Example shifts:
– Create a daily empowerment practice
– Start living by my Life Design

Months 3&4


Example shifts:
– Create a daily emotional healing ritual
– Learn a regenerative economy system

Months 5&6


Example shifts:
– Become a zero-waste household
– Incorporate wild edibles into my diet

Enrich, expand, grow your life:

  • Increase your confidence and resilience as a changemaker
  • Learn new skills that transform your life
  • Learn from & connect with experts directly
  • Find greater meaning in who you are, your gifts, and purpose
  • Make a positive impact on the people and environment around you
  • Be one of the pioneers actively standing for a New Earth

Book your place now, to create a new earth together, and start exploring your New Earth Pathway!

Program Elements

Here are the structural components of the 6 Month Pathway Program

Immersion Weekends

Facilitated sessions to explore the three dimensions. Space for experience, connection, learning, practice, sharing, initiation.

Vision Circles

A container for peer-coaching for support in an area of choice (your pre-selected shift / intention)

Deep Dives

A container for meaningful conversations sparked by the masterclasses content.

Expert Expeditions

An opportunity to engage with masterclass experts and ask questions

Seasonal New Earth Summits

events where all members of the community, including those out of the program will come together to celebrate the creation of a New Earth.

Karen Aiyana Birch leaning on a large rock, surrounded by green

Join the next Pathway

Join our 6 month evolutionary program, to help you discover who you’re meant to become, your true gift to bring to the world, the purpose you’re here to create, the role you can bring to your community, and the path you are here to walk as an agent of a new earth.

Meet your Facilitators

Learn from a growing global community of change-makers, who are pioneering new ways of living on Earth, and want to help you do the same.

Karen Aiyana Birch in nature

Karen Aiyana Birch

Karen has led transformational spaces for nearly twenty years. She trained in various modalities, and created therapeutic programs. She has led women’s retreats, and is a sacred ceremony keeper. Karen built a coaching and regenerative facilitation academy, Unified Coherence.

Daniela Tablado

Daniela is a group facilitator of transformational workshops and a leadership for sustainability consultant. She is committed to bringing regenerative leadership into the work of systems change. She has a diverse & international background, and thrives in multicultural settings.

Simon Confino

Simon founded We-Q, the Collaborative IntelligenceTeam App. He facilitates teams and organisations to significantly improve their ability to fulfil their purpose and to thrive. Simon’s gift is a deep understanding of optimal work cultures.

Lineke Heus

Lineke is a doctor of naturopathic medicine. Her passion for self-development, spirituality, and holistic systems, have led to her true purpose: to defend the sacredness of life, and co-create wholesome communities through rebalancing feminine & masculine principles.

Explore our Frequently Asked Questions

Not sure where to start? Maybe we’ve already answered what you’re looking to find out.

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Begin your New Earth Pathway

  • Three Phases: 2 months per each Dimension of Self, Relational, Environmental.
  • Four Experiential Components: Immersion Weekends, Vision Circles, Deep Dives, Expert Expeditions.
  • Masterclass Content for each Phase / Dimension.
  • Your enquiry and journaling practice & taking actions to transform and grow!

Our Pathway Membership includes access to all masterclasses and community platform.