The Self Dimension

woman meditating in nature

Shift Your Self

Awaken | Heal | Empower | Create

Watch Classes on:

Holistic Health, Nature Connection, Self Realisation, Self Leadership 

The first dimension of evolution is the Self. Our ways of relating with others and the world, and the things we do and create in our environments, are a pure reflection of what is within us. Therefore, any efforts to have healthy dynamics with others, or to create a new way of living around us, will be limited unless our inner state matches what we want to experience and see.  

Living our most inspired life requires an internal shift and some reskilling in our attitudes, perspectives, and habits. From there we can coherently evolve in the relational and environmental dimensions.

Featured Masterclasses


Awaken with Deep Ecology

Mac explains how the Deep Ecology Model can help us to evaluate our lives on a deep, heartfelt level. This can be uncomfortable, but this deep way of questioning can help us arrive at authenticity and joy.

Garra Rrana

Build on the Work of Your Ancestors

Garra rrana asks; Why is it so important to connect with, and honor your ancestral spirits? She explains how our mission on Earth builds on the work of our ancestors, who can support and protect us.

Thea May

Deliver Your Message Powerfully in the World

Thea asks if you feel passionate and dedicated to bring your message into the world, to be of service to the creation of a New Earth. Are you delivering this message without obstructions?

Free Your Innate Blueprint

Karen explains how we all have a unique blueprint: our core coding, that is the truest part of us and cannot be broken, adapted, nor taken away.

Garra Rrana

Prepare a Sacred Space for Ceremony

Garra rrana shares that a ceremony calls for a sacred space, which you can invite your ancestors’ spirits into. In this class, Garra rrana demonstrates how to cleanse the space, as well as yourself, of unwanted energies.


Reclaim your Indigenous Roots

Mac explains how when it comes to caring for Mother Earth there is a lot of wisdom to be found with indigenous people that still have preserved their own culture and rituals.

Ready to start learning, imagining, creating?Join The New Earth School

Let’s create a new earth together, one project at a time.
Join the community, begin the path, learn, connect,
and help the movement to grow!

Dive in to one of our memberships today:

Meet some of the Self Experts

Learn from a growing global community of change-makers, who are pioneering new ways of living on Earth, and want to help you do the same.

Mac Macartney

Wisdom Tools for the Journey of Self-Leadership

Garra Rana

Living in Sacredness with Ceremonial Practices

Karen Aiyana Birch

Karen Aiyana Birch

New Earth Ways of Living and Being

Anne Chloe Profile

Anne-Chloe Destremau

Initiatory Processes for the Possibility of Evolution

Explore the other Dimensions of the interconnected ecosystem of a New Earth


Create healthy dynamics in your relationships and become powerfully aligned in your life’s work.


Learn regenerative tools and take actions that pioneer a whole new paradigm of living.

Join our next Evolutionary Program

The New Earth Pathway,
a 6-month Journey

  • Gain skills, transformation & confidence, in each of the three major dimensions of Self, Relational, Environmental
  • Dive deep with your new community, in facilitated weekends, Vision Circles, Expert Expeditions and more
  • Discover who you’re meant to become, your true gift & purpose you’re here to bring, as an agent of a new earth.
  • Make an impact as you start or deepen your path as a changemaker and representative of a regenerative culture.

Our Pathway Membership includes access to all masterclasses and community platform.